Contribute to TOAR

If you wish to participate in the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report, please inform yourself about TOAR at IGAC website and sign-up to the TOAR-II email-list.

Contribute to TOAR Data

You own or identified additional data which are not stored in the TOAR database or listed on the TOAR data portal? We will be very happy to receive information about these data and include them in our data centre, provided the following conditions are met. Please contact us directly if you have questions about the types of data we accept or about the data submission procedures. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

What data can be sent to the TOAR data centre?

There are three types of data resources which can be submitted to the TOAR Data Centre:



If you own or know of additional surface ozone data sets (ideally including also time series of meteorological parameters and ozone precursor species), please continue reading with the section on “Submitting surface ozone data” below. Surface data will be fully curated, stored in the TOAR database and made available through the JOIN web service. All other data sets related to tropospheric ozone can be listed in the TOAR data portal. Please check the content of “Satellite data”, “Surface data”, “Ozone sonde & lidar data”, or “Aircraft data” to find out how datasets are displayed in the TOAR data portal and what information will be required. Also, please check if the data set you want us to include is already listed. You can use the form below to inform us about another data resource or to indicate errors in our current listings. Please note that we do not accept and publish non-surface data files, but only provide meta-information about such data. Exceptions are data sets which are produced as part of a TOAR-II working group specifically for the TOAR assessment. These can be published by the TOAR data centre as a data publication (including doi) at after approval by the TOAR-II steering committee. Such data sets will then also be listed in the TOAR data portal.

Links and descriptions of other data centres or repositories for inclusion in the TOAR data portal


Add an entry to the TOAR data portal via the following online form, or download the registration-form, with explanations, fill it in and send it back to us ( You can also use these forms to request an update to an existing entry (please indicate this) or inform us about an error in one of the listed entries

After submitting the form, it will take up to 15 minutes to receive a confirmation email from the TOAR Data portal.

Time series of additional observations for the TOAR database

Time series of surface ozone observations and accompanying meteorological information or precursor data form a key part of the TOAR trend assessment. The TOAR database strives to compile a complete picture of global surface ozone observations, but even so we have to make choices. In order to be of use for TOAR we require that all time series submitted to us originate from quality controlled measurements using commonly accepted standard instrumentation (i.e. we do not accept data from low cost sensors), that they are reported with at least hourly time resolution, and that they cover at least 2 years of measurement or two “ozone seasons”. Data from shorter field campaigns may be acceptable if they originate from a data-sparse region. Also, historic data (prior to 1990) may be acceptable with coarser time resolution. If in doubt, please contact us using the general contact form or the comments field of the form below.

If you wish to send us your data, please read our data submission guide. In case you already reported your data to one of the major global or regional networks, chances are that we already have a copy of your data in our database since we are in regular contact with the network data centers to update our records. If you send us data for the first time, we will almost invariably contact you for clarifications. Please note that this may take several weeks depending on the work load of our database team. Once we received a complete submission from your side we will process the data and make it available on a preliminary web page for your approval. It is important that you react to our emails as quickly as possible, because we will not be able to use your data in TOAR otherwise. Please note also that we will publish all data which we receive under a CC-BY 4.0 license, i.e. all TOAR surface observation data can be re-distributed and re-used without restrictions, provided that you, as original data provider, are acknowledged.

Submit a surface ozone data set (for bulk uploads of several files, please contact us by typing a message into the comments box below)

After submitting the form, it will take up to 15 minutes to receive a confirmation email from the TOAR Data portal.

Summary compilations of other TOAR data sets related to the TOAR-II community special issue or assessment report

For other data sets which have been compiled as a result of TOAR analyses and which shall be published as TOAR datasets on, please use the form below. We will get back to you to discuss the details of the necessary metadata entries. Please note that this is not a general data publication service but reserved for data publications in the context of the TOAR-II community special issue and TOAR-II assessment

After submitting the form, it will take up to 15 minutes to receive a confirmation email from the TOAR Data portal.

Contribute to TOAR

If you wish to participate in the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report, please inform yourself about TOAR at IGAC website and sign-up to the TOAR-II email-list.

Contribute to TOAR Data

You own or identified additional data which are not stored in the TOAR database or listed on the TOAR data portal? We will be very happy to receive information about these data and include them in our data centre, provided the following conditions are met. Please contact us directly if you have questions about the types of data we accept or about the data submission procedures. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

What data can be sent to the TOAR data centre?

The TOAR data centre team maintains two information resources for research on tropospheric ozone and its impacts:

      1.  the TOAR data portal,
      2. and the TOAR database of surface observations.

If you own or know of additional surface ozone data sets (ideally including also time series of meteorological parameters and ozone precursor species), please continue reading with the section on “Submitting surface ozone data” below. Surface data will be fully curated, stored in the TOAR database and made available through the JOIN web service. All other data sets related to tropospheric ozone can be listed in the TOAR data portal. Please check the content of “Satellite data”, “Surface data”, “Ozone sonde & lidar data”, or “Aircraft data” to find out how datasets are displayed in the TOAR data portal and what information will be required. Also, please check if the data set you want us to include is already listed. You can use the form below to inform us about another data resource or to indicate errors in our current listings. Please note that we do not accept and publish non-surface data files, but only provide meta-information about such data publications. Exceptions are data sets which are produced as part of a TOAR-II working group specifically for the TOAR assessment. These can be published by the TOAR data centre as a data publication (including doi) at after approval by the TOAR-II steering committee. Such data sets will then also be listed in the TOAR data portal.

Add an entry to the TOAR data portal (to inform us about erroneous entries, please use the comments box of this form)

Submitting surface ozone data

Time series of surface ozone observations and accompanying meteorological information or precursor data form a key part of the TOAR trend assessment. The TOAR database strives to compile a complete picture of global surface ozone observations, but even so we have to make choices. In order to be of use for TOAR we require that all time series submitted to us originate from quality controlled measurements using commonly accepted standard instrumentation (i.e. we do not accept data from low cost sensors), that they are reported with at least hourly time resolution, and that they cover at least 2 years of measurement or two “ozone seasons”. Data from shorter field campaigns may be acceptable if they originate from a data-sparse region. Also, historic data (prior to 1990) may be acceptable with coarser time resolution. If in doubt, please contact us using the general contact form or the comments field of the form below.

If you wish to send us your data, please read our data submission guide (will be available soon). In case you already reported your data to one of the major global or regional networks, chances are that we already have a copy of your data in our database since we are in regular contact with the network data centers to update our records. If you send us data for the first time, we will almost invariably contact you for clarifications. Please note that this may take several weeks depending on the work load of our database team. Once we received a complete submission from your side we will process the data and make it available on a preliminary web page for your approval. It is important that you react to our emails as quickly as possible, because we will not be able to use your data in TOAR otherwise. Please note also that we will publish all data which we receive under a CC-BY 4.0 license, i.e. all TOAR surface observation data can be re-distributed and re-used without restrictions, provided that you, as original data provider, are acknowledged.

Submit a surface ozone data set (for bulk uploads of several files, please contact us by typing a message into the comments box below)