Some news about TOAR-II database status

The TOAR-II database is a collection of quality-controlled measurements of surface ozone, its precursors and meteorological data from various environmental agencies and programs around the world, and also from universities and individual researchers. This database is built to support the second phase of the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (

We are currently processing all available data and will update you regularly on what is available through our web services (see

Current content of the TOAR-II database:

As of March 1st, 2022 you can find the following data in the TOAR database:

14,312 stations
55,649 time series
1,777,482,880 data records

AQS: currently working on all stations (n=?)
Species: o3, so2, co, no2, no, nox, pm2p5, pm10, temp, relhum, wspeed, wdir, press, benzene, ethane, propane, toluene, mpxylene, oxylene
Years: 1980 – 2021
NAPS : all stations (n=592)
Species: co, no2, no, nox, o3, pm10, pm2p5, so2
Years: 1974 – 2019
AirBase: still ongoing for countries LV, NL, NO, PL, RO, SE, XK (actual number of stations: 4617)
Species: no, no2, nox, o3, pm1, pm2p5, pm10, so2, co, benzene
Years: 2013 – 2020
Open AQ: all stations (n=9077)
Species: co, o3, no2, so2, pm10, pm2p5, bc
Years: 2013 – 2021
Note: a cleanup is necessary on this dataset and so far only data has been inserted where no unit conversion was necessary.
German UBA: all stations (n=1023)
Species: irradiance, totprecip, o3, wdir, wspeed, no, no2, pm2p5, pm10, relhum, press, temp
Years: 1990 – 2021

Some other news from TOAR Data Portal:


JOIN is deactivated

Dear JOIN user, on February 01, 2024 our Join interface was finally deactivated.From now on, only the new TOAR II Dashboard can be used. Your

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JOIN will be deactivated

Dear JOIN users, In 6 weeks, on 1 October, we will deactivate our JOIN interface for using the TOAR-I database.Our new TOAR II Dashboard will

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